Hobbies for 16 year olds (Boys and Girls)

When I was 16 years old and I have been struggling to find hobbies. I’ve tried skateboarding, basketball, and many other sports but I didn’t really have fun while doing these things.

Are you having a hard time finding the right hobby? Well, today is your lucky day. I will introduce you to 20 great hobbies for 16-year-olds.

Finding a hobby for teenagers isn’t always easy, whether it is because you don’t know where to start or you simply just don’t know what your favorite hobby is.

List Of Hobbies For 16-Year-Olds

Whether you like arts and crafts, sports, or gaming, or anything in between, you’ll find some great hobby ideas, and some of them might hook you up immediately.

Indoor Hobbies For 16-Year-Olds

Learn How To dance

Dancing can relieve stress, help you relax, and to find joy in your life. The most popular way to start dancing is to join a local class. Dancing is fun, even if you’re not training for an event, there’s something satisfying about the simple and rhythmic movements.

Explore Your Creativity

Creativity is a gift and a curse. The gift is unlimited potential. The curse is that creativity takes time and patience. My father always uses to tell me that creativity isn’t something you get, it’s something you give. When you give your creativity, you receive back creativity in the form of inspiration and recognition.

Rock Tumbling

If you are looking for a creative hobby you may be interested in rock tumbling. There’s a certain satisfaction in turning the usual rock into something useful. Want to learn more? There is no better place than online rock tumbling groups where other people share their experiences, tips, and tricks.


Start with fitness, whether it’s lifting weights, running, push-ups, or squats, being fit will make you healthier and more productive. There is nothing better than the feeling of accomplishment for hitting certain goals. If you work hard you’ll experience the satisfaction of burning fat and building muscle.

Learn a Musical Instrument

As an introvert who appreciates being alone for long periods of time, playing guitar is a great way to wind down and relax. If you want to learn to play an instrument, the first step is to figure out which kind of instrument you want to learn. You need to find an instrument that is challenging but not too hard for you.

Give Board Games a Try

Whether you’re bored or looking for a new way to occupy yourself, playing board games can be an excellent way to spend quality time with family or friends. If you’re anything like me then you’re passionate about board games and want to share them with others. Here you’ll find some of the most popular board games for teenagers.

Learn To Play the Guitar

Want to learn to play the guitar? Great! Is it hard? Maybe not as hard as you think. Start with simple techniques and progress to more advanced ones as you learn the basics. The more time you spend practicing and playing, the better you’ll become!

Explore Video Making or Animation

Learn to make videos. Use videos as a medium to tell your own story. If you have your blog or YouTube channel then this hobby is definitely for you. Animation is popular too, as it offers an alternative to writing and drawing. Explore the world of video making, animation, and visual arts. If you are interested in learning about making videos, then check out this YouTube video.

Learn Drawing and Sketching

Drawing and painting are both creative activities where you begin with a blank canvas and begin to add pictures, concepts, and patterns. There is so much information out there about how to draw and paint pictures, If you’d like to learn more about drawing, here are some resources I’ve found most helpful:

Get Creative With Crafts

Crafts are an excellent way to force yourself to learn a new skill. The best way to get started is to find a creative group of people that meets regularly, I sure they’ll help you with your artistic projects. You can also visit a local craft store and ask them what they have in stock. They’ll likely have some items that will give you an idea for your next crafting project.

Use the Internet For Hobbies

Internet is the one tool that allows us to find work online, communicate with others, or find information about anything from books to movies. So use it and make a list of things you enjoy doing on a computer. Search as many websites as you can and find the hobby you would like to try.


Knitting isn’t only for teenage girls, it can be a great hobby for boys too. You don’t need to have a lot of money to get started with knitting, but if you’re looking for something that will help pay the bills then you might need to invest in some knitting equipment. If you’re inspired start making things out of wool or wool-like materials. It’s one of the most practical hobbies, think about it… you can practice it anywhere.


My first recommendation would be to sign up for one of the popular blogging networks like WordPress, Blogger, or Joomla. Blogging is actually easy. You don’t need to have any special knowledge or special gear. But it takes discipline. To become a successful blogger you need to get in the habit of publishing consistently.

Outdoor Hobbies For 16-Year-Olds


You can find local swimming pools, go for a swim in a local lake, or even take a dip in the ocean. Swimmers tend to have better posture and balance, have a better sense of balance, and have a better capacity to endure pain. I love swimming. I have been swimming since I was a little kid. Swimming brings me joy. It’s a challenging, but also a safe workout.


Climbing is a wonderful hobby for 16-year-olds. If you enjoy physical activities that require extra passion and focus try climbing. Many people find that climbing can be an effective stress reliever. Once you’ve reached the top and achieved your goal, feeling proud and satisfied can only mean one thing: You have found a hobby that helps you to conquer yourself.


Start with hiking. It’s an easy and enjoyable hobby. You can choose from dozens of trails in any part of the world; from the familiar of Mount Tallahassee in Florida to the ancient paths carved into the side of mountains in Italy. Hiking will make you feel stronger, have more energy, see new places, and have more fun.

Find Hobbies That Get You Away From Electronics

Do you sometimes find yourself glued to your computer, tablet, or smartphone? Take a look at some of the hobbies that can help you get away from electronics. There is so much you can do. Build something with your hands, visit a new location, hang out at the local park, go for a walk, or take a bike ride are some good options.

Start Gardening

Learn what kinds of plants grow well in certain locations and where to look for helpful tips and tricks. With the right information, you can become a gardener in no time! Not only, gardening can be a great way to beat back boredom, but it’s also an excellent way to get healthier.

Get Involved Volunteering

Volunteering is a huge part of my life. It provides meaning, purpose, and a sense of community. The world will always need more good people, so the good news is that there are lots of opportunities if you want to volunteer your time to big or small organizations. It’s one of the smartest things you can do for your mental health.

Take Up Photography

Photography is a great hobby for 16-year-old boys and girls. Taking photos is a great way to get your creative and can lead to impressive results. You can take pictures of almost anything: family, friends, holidays, pets, food… Taking photos can help you earn money doing something you enjoy. A good picture can collect thousands of likes and shares on social media, a picture is worth a thousand words.

Join a Club

The best way to discover new things is to join a Club. There are thousands of them now, and they have something in common: they help you build better habits and make new friends. This way you’ll expand your opportunities for networking, being in a group that shares similar goals increase your chances of succeeding.

Fiddling With DIY Projects

Make an inspiration board, make jewelry, or put together an RC plane…The best way to learn is to do things yourself. You don’t need to be a genius to build things, so why don’t you make something beautiful out of metal or wood. It doesn’t matter how much free time you have, once you start working on a project it sticks in your brain and never goes away.



I hope you have found my list of hobbies for 16-year-olds, I sure there are more hobbies that 16-year-olds would enjoy. I believe that pursuing a hobby is an important part of growing up. Don’t spend hours sitting in front of the computer or TV and rather choose a hobby and spend your free time on something that will teach you new skills.