Is Watching Movies a Hobby? (When It Is And When Isn’t)
Do you watch movies in your spare time, or do you spare time to watch movies, this is the question now.
Is watching movies a hobby? Sure, watching movies can be considered a hobby but the answer to this question isn’t that obvious as you may think.
Some people are convinced that it cant be considered a hobby, other ones say that watching movies is a hobby… some even say that watching movies is a need, habit, or even an addiction.
The truth is that everybody is right, for some, it’s a hobby and for some, It’s not, it really all depends on how someone approaches watching movies.
Because of so many mixed opinions, I have decided to think about it and write a blog post about whether watching movies is a hobby or not, I hope I’ll offer some good conclusions.
First I’ll define what the hobby is, then I’ll try to explain why it should be considered a hobby, in the next one, I’ll be thinking about when watching movies should not be considered a hobby. In the last question, I’ll write about whether it is a hobby, pastime, or interest.
What Activities are Considered a Hobby?
A hobby is an activity that you do in your free time, It’s an activity you’re passionate about and enjoy doing. You have a hobby when you dedicate your energy and time to something outside of your work.
There are numerous activities that can be considered a hobby, some of the most common are collecting, sports, DIY projects. There are also reading, writing, playing instruments, listening to music, and many more, the list of all activities that can be considered a hobby never really ends.
When Watching Movies Should be Considered a Hobby?
Spending free time watching movies is a hobby, also watching sports can be considered a hobby. It’s a hobby when you know the difference between a good movie and a bad movie.
It’s a hobby when you’re not just sitting down to watch a movie because it’s cool, but you want to actually step into this completely different world because you feel like it was made for people of your kind.
If you count the time left till you get to watch movies and enjoy, if you recognize little things in movies that other people don’t, then it should be considered your hobby
It’s a hobby if you’re curious about movies and put an effort and time into researching about them. Watching movies becomes a hobby when you know who Andy Griffith, Audrey Hepburn, or Eric Anderson is.
But it can’t always be considered a hobby, let’s take a look at some examples.
When Watching Movies Shouldn’t be Considered a Hobby?
There are also reasons why watching movies shouldn’t be considered a hobby. If you are passive and don’t participate then it isn’t a hobby, if you add some activity to it, like analysis then watching movies can become a hobby.
If you watch movies because you can’t think of anything else to do, then watching movies becomes something like daydreaming, more like a pastime.
If you’re a film critic and watch movies, you’re watching movies because you have to, not as a hobby you have chosen to do. If watching movies isn’t something you take time for, then it shouldn’t be considered a hobby.
Is Watching Movies an Interest, Hobby, or Pastime?
Interest is a desire to learn more about a certain topic. For example, someone who has an interest in making movies will probably develop watching movies as a hobby or even a work.
Like I have mentioned before if you’re dedicating your free time and energy to watching movies then this is your hobby, so someone who watches movies regularly can consider watching movies as a hobby.
Those who watch movies only to make their time pass agreeably can consider watching movies as their pastime.
Should You Add ‘watching movies’ As a Hobby To Your Resume?
If you’re wondering whether watching movies is a hobby or not because you want to add it to your job application, here is your answer.
A resume needs to showcase your skills, accomplishments, and background, the hobbies section is an optional section, before including hobbies in your resume, think about what you’re trying to communicate to a potential employer.
In many cases including hobbies add little value to your CV, however, if you are applying for a job in the film industry, watching movies can be a great hobby to add to your CV.
I hope I have successfully answered whether watching movies can be considered a hobby or not. So the answer here is that Yes, watching movies can definitely be a hobby for some people, and a good way to pass time for others.
If you are dedicating your time to watch movies because it’s your passion, and a topic to talk about with friends then it can be considered your hobby. If your watch movies just to pass the time then watching movies is your pastime.