Hobbies For 7-Year-Olds (Boys and Girls)
I have already listed lots of fun hobbies for kids on this blog before. Right now I would like to put more attention on hobbies for 7-year olds.
In the beginning, I’ll try to explain how to find a hobby for your kid, after that I’ll list many useful hobby ideas for your child. OK, let’s find some good hobbies for 7-year-olds together.
How To Find A Hobby For 7- Year Olds?
Choosing a hobby for your kid should be easy, but it isn’t always like that. Make sure you know your kid’s motivations and interests and try to understand that kids need more time for gathering their feelings and thoughts.
Every 7-year old is different, so when searching for a new hobby, make sure you know what type of personality is your kid.
Figure out strengths and skills your kid already has and suggest a meaningful hobby. Advice them to make a list of hobbies that they are interested in. Always stay open to new ideas and let your kid choose their favorite hobbies.
If you are 7-year-old and reading this, here’s the thing: “Have fun every day and always explore new things and don’t be disappointed if you don’t find the right hobby just yet”.
“Don’t be afraid to ask questions and be prepared to accept new challenges”. Once again, you have to try new things every day, this way you’ll get to know yourself better.
Ask your kid’s peers what hobbies they have and search for hobbies online, scroll down this page and find hobbies for your 7-year old boy or girl.
List of hobbies for 7-year-olds
In this listicle, every kid should find something interesting, also 7-year old boys and girls. Maybe you are searching for outdoor, indoor, or sports hobbies, there are many great hobbies in every category. When choosing, make sure to analyze every hobby for its benefits and cons.
Sports hobbies for 7-year-olds
Kids who are fast, tall, or strong have a huge advantage in golf. One of the best things about golf is that it teaches patience and doesn’t carry the risk of injury. Golf courses are quiet and peaceful you can even practice at home with putting mats, hitting nets, and chipping nets.
Archery is perfect for those kids who are looking for a hobby that can be practiced all year round. Even though arrows are dangerous and sharp, archery is actually safer than many popular sports such as soccer or basketball.
Learn how to hold the bat and how to swing it, consider signing up to some baseball club. While playing baseball kids have to learn that being a part of a team is the most important. Baseball is not just about getting a homerun, it’s also about growing as a person.
Don’t be scared if your kid wants to take up boxing. Don’t worry, boxing training is not boxing in the ring, everything begins with practicing punches on heavy bags. It’s known that boxing can help a person find their inner strength to overcome obstacles in life.
Enroll your kids in karate class, martial arts will teach them important life skills, such as self-restraint, focus, and respect. Practicing karate can help 7-year-olds to redirect aggression in a beneficial way.
7-year-olds like to spend time in the water and after quality time in the water, they won’t have any problems eating. Swimming can improve self-control and self-confidence, it also promotes perseverance, motivation, and self-discipline.
Buy a racket and take your kid to the tennis court, tennis is a great hobby for kids, it’s engaging, active, and social. Suggest your 7-year-old boy or a girl joining some tennis clubs and have a chance to meet players from across the country.
Ultimate Frisbee
Search online and you’ll find numerous frisbee disc at very low prices. Competitive and playful, challenging and ridiculous, frisbee certainly is one of the most dynamic activities. It’s a cheap hobby for kids and for the whole family
Indoor hobbies for 7-year-olds
Allow your kids to express themselves through singing. Simply turn the radio on and suggest them to sing along, also, introduce to them singing tutorials on YouTube, or sign them up to private singing lessons. Singing can be a beneficial hobby for seven-year-olds, it can boost their concentration and memory.
Coloring helps to gain hand strength which is particularly important for handwriting. While coloring your kid will also learn about colors, shapes, it’s also a great exercise building focus skills.
Many 7- year olds dance in their rooms, many take dancing classes and practice dancing on a daily basis. Dancing will teach them to work with peers and improve their confidence as well.
Help your 7-year-old to search for tasty recipes and create new flavor combinations together. Show them how you cook and give them a little space in the kitchen, this is how they’ll learn essential cooking skills and have fun at the same time.
Woodcraft, papercraft, leathercraft, There are numerous craft projects that you can make with your kids, you don’t even have to have special skills, all you need is a couple of great craft ideas. You can make a paper pinwheel, origami finger puppets, paint rocks, or recycle milk jugs into watering cans… you will find many more ideas online.
Jigsaw Puzzle
Since I already talk about puzzles, the Jigsaw Puzzle should be a great hobby for many 7-year-olds. Jigsaw Puzzle helps to build skills such as logic, visual reasoning, and short-term memory. You will find numerous themes, one of the most popular is USA Map Jigsaw Puzzle.
Promote collecting, your kid could collect, sports cards, coins, records, rocks, stamps, seashells, Barbie dolls, or any other toy. Seven-year-olds will learn many positive skills while collecting, they’ll develop expertise in a certain field, improve their counting skills and learn how to patiently pursue their goals.
Playing an Instrument
Not only for kids but also for teenagers and adults, playing a musical instrument can be a very beneficial hobby. I’m sure you have heard that playing musical instruments can teach self-discipline and boosts creativity. If your kid is a music lover consider music classes, even tutorials on YouTube can help your kid to learn the basics.
Outdoor hobbies for 7-year-olds
Gardening can be a terrific hobby for parents and kids as well, also for 7-year-olds who like to explore nature, kids may like the idea of having their own garden. They can grow vegetables, herbs, or flowers, teach your kids how to respect nature, this mindset will help them while growing their own foods.
All 7-year-olds love riding a bike, cycling will keep the kids engaged and reduce screen time. While riding a bike your kid will become more independent and build higher self-confidence. Just like swimming, cycling is a low-impact activity that offers a workout for the full-body, not just for your kids but also for the whole family.
Roller Skating
Rollerskating may seem difficult, but most 7-year-olds should master the skill in a few days. All you need to do is to equip them with protective gear such as helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards. Once kids learn how to fall properly they will start to have real fun.
RC Vehicles
Every kid likes to play with radio control vehicles, I’m sure your seven-year-old is no different. RC cars, boats, trains, and planes, you’ll find also other models like tractors or RC tanks. You can make your unique model from scratch or you can buy a ready-to-run model.
Walkie Talkies
In case your seven-year-old likes to play superheroes or secret agents, consider walkie-talkies, these can make the play much more exciting. Walkie-talkies can be very useful for parents as well because it’s a great way to track kids more easily.
Drone Flying
For kids who love flying toys and photography, drones can be an excellent hobby. There are many drones with easy-to-use features at a very reasonable price on the market. You’ll be amazed how flying drones can capture awesome images from the air.
Duct Tape Projects
There are numerous ideas for duct tape projects you can make at home, using only duct tape and a creative mind, you can make clothes, furniture, home decor, shoes, and many more.
I hope you have found my list of hobbies for 7-year-olds helpful. If for some reason you still haven’t find the right hobby for your kid browse the list again, decide on outdoor, indoor, or sports hobbies, and continue with searching from there. If you are missing some meaningful hobbies, share your ideas in the comment below.